Annemieke Fox
Counselling & Psychotherapy

THE TREE OF LIFE. Tree of life 2

I've chosen the Tree of Life by Gustav Klimt as the symbol for my business, because I think trees symbolise life:

- They grow from a small seed, their unseen roots help them stay grounded, yet they grow and develop as if reaching for the sky .

- The environment the tree finds itself in and events that occur changes the tree both internally and externally.

- The twisted branches in the tree of life remind me of the complexity of life.

- The blackbird has been used as a symbol of death by many cultures and so remind us that everything that has a beginning also has an end.

The thing I like the most about this picture is that everyone seems to see something different. Every person is an individual, with their own history, personality and perspective.

I have a personal love of nature and believe in the healing power of time spent outdoors in natural environments such as forests and by the coast.

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